Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Unit 18 Present Perfect: Indefinite Past (pages 202-211)

Unit 18 Present Perfect: Indefinite Past (pages 202-211)

Section After You Read:

Items Checked: 4,5

Section 1:

2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F
6. T

Section 2:

2. ‘ve been
3. has been (OR ‘s been)
4. ‘ve had
5. ‘ve swum
6. ‘ve eaten
7. ‘ve slept
8. has become (OR ‘s become)
9. Have.. . found
10. ‘ve thought
11.’ve. . .kept
12. ‘ve.. . written
13.have. . .come
14. ‘ve.. . returned
15. ‘ve.. . gone

Section 3:

3. He hasn’t ridden a camel. OR
He’s never ridden a camel.
4. He’s jumped out of an airplane with a parachute.
5. He’s gone up in a hot-air balloon.
6. He hasn’t spent time on a desert island. OR
He’s never spent time on a desert island.
7. He’s eaten some really unusual food.
8. He hasn’t taken photos of wild animals up close. OR
He’s never taken photos of wild animals up close.
9. He hasn’t crossed the Andes on horseback. OR
He’s never crossed the Andes on horseback.
10. He’s sailed a boat on the Nile River.
11. He’s swum with dolphins in the ocean.
12. He hasn’t been on a safari. OR
He’s never been on a safari.
13. He hasn’t flown around the world. OR
He’s never flown around the world.
14. He hasn’t gone on an organized trip. OR
He’s never gone on an organized trip.

Section 4:

2. I’ve gone up
3. I haven’t done it lately
4. Have you traveled a lot
5. I have
6. Have you ever been
7. I haven’t
8. I’ve always wanted to go
9. I’ve been to Africa several times
10. I’ve just gotten
11. I’ve never been
12. They’ve just finished

Section 5:

Answers will vary.

2. She’s ridden (on) a camel.
3. She’s traveled (a lot). OR She’s seen a lot of countries.
4. She’s stayed at the Hotel Roma.
5. She’s written Traveling Solo.
6. She’s seen Cats three times.

Section 6:

We have received many comments from our clients. We’d like to share some with you.


I have always been afraid of heights. But after I saw the beautiful photos on your website, I knew I had to go hot-air ballooning! This has been one of the best experiences of my life. Thank you!
Britta Kessler, Germany

We’ve just returned from the best vacation we’ve ever had. I’ve told all my friends about your company.
James Hudson, Canada

I’ve always wanted to go up in a hot-air balloon. I was not disappointed!
Antonio Vega, Mexico

I’ve just gotten OR just got my photos back! Fantastic!
Bill Hampton, USA

I’ve never gone hot-air ballooning, but after visiting your wonderful website, I’ve decided to sign up!
Amalia Lopes, Brazil

We gave our parents a balloon trip as an anniversary gift. They’ve just written to say it was fantastic. They’ve never been very adventurous, but now they want to go rafting!
Pat Calahan, Ireland

Have you ever seen the face of a kid on a hot-air balloon ride? The cost of the ride: a lot. That look on her face: priceless!
Lydia Hassan, New Zealand

I broke my leg last month, so I haven’t been able to do sports lately- boring! Your mountain balloon trip has just given me a lift- in more than one way!
May Roa, Philippines

Section 7:

Items Checked: 1, 3, 5
Item Circled: 2

Sections 8-10:

Answers will vary.

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